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Botanical Name: Anogeissus sericea var. nummularia

Anogeissus sericea var. nummularia

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 24-Oct-2022 08:28 AM

Photo Description: None

Family: Combretaceae
Common Name: रेशीम धावडा
Etymology - Genus: Upward-tiled, refers to the scale-like fruiting heads
Etymology - Species: Silky
Ecosystem: Deciduous
Origin: Native
Location: Jaswant Thoda, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Description: Dry deciduous tree with ash colour bark. This is a RED listed species. Only plant I could spot during my travel, this one was a planted one and not wild.Simple leaf, the size of the thumb, tomentose. Peduncles are not branched. Spherical head inflorescence. The whole tree burst into flower heads, quiet a spectacle to watch. Green yellowish flowers give out pleasant smellFlowers don’t have petals.Fruit is a 2-winged, packed into a dense head

Contact - Mandar Joshi, 0091-9637527026, mandarsj11@gmail.com
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